If you’re looking to sell your dental practice, there are various different agreements you can enter into with the buyer. The structure of the deal created can actually be more important than the ultimate purchase price.
1. Valuation
The selling process will usually start off with a valuation of your business to determine the true operating performance and profitability of your practice.
2. Marketing
The most important aspect of selling a practice is ensuring the right buyers are aware of the sale and we have over 5,500 buyers currently registered on our database, looking for businesses all over the country. We determine an active buyer as anyone who has opened an email in the last 12 weeks and at the moment, that figure equates to over 3,800 buyers.
3. Sale Process
Of course, just finding a buyer isn’t where a good Broker stops. We estimate that 70% of our service is actually provided once a buyer has been found when completing the due diligence. From negotiating the commercial terms, chasing all the stakeholders, we’ll be there every step of the way.
Take The First Step to Sell Your Dental Practice
We pride ourselves on finding our clients an arrangement tailored to their goals. Whether you decide to sell outright and then retire from the profession, wish to remain working in the business, or sell to a dental corporate body or non-Dentist , we can help you with your exit strategy.
Being Informed is critical and speaking with the right people is paramount!