Wholesale Flowers Also Open to the Public- Business For Sale #3765

Agricultural Florist/Nursery Nursery Wholesale

This business has all the equipment you need as well as sales figures for you to succeed in this Florist business.

It is based on the north side of Brisbane away from the rental demands of high street premises where you pay for foot traffic that you don’t need.

It is a destination business that provides deliveries and pick up services for retailers and it is establishing a retail trade for discerning customers seeking good product.

A new owner does not need to be a florist, as the current owner is not.

The turnover is about $600,000 per year and the tenure is ample for you to make a return.

Cold rooms, a vehicle and all the equipment you need is at your disposal to keep this business going with plenty of capacity for expansion.

It is a 5 ½ day business with early closes and half days on Friday and Saturday allowing an owner to maintain a healthy work life balance.

Staff is in place to help run the business and the profit is in the order of $70,000 with half year figures to Dec 18 showing significant growth on that with the best half of the financial year in the florist business still to come.

For more information please provide a confidentiality agreement and we can provide more information on this wonderful opportunity.

Price $148,000 + SAV

Broker: Harry Notaras 0434 344 282/[email protected]
Head Office: 07 3368 4010/[email protected]

For more information about this excellent opportunity complete the Confidentiality Agreement. Quote reference no: 3765

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