QLD 07 3368 4010
Gold Coast 07 5503 1944
NSW 02 9602 0360
QLD 07 3368 4010
Gold Coast 07 5503 1944
NSW 02 9602 0360
General News
There were a lot of suits buying coffee at my selected coffee shop today. The old adage of 'going where the people are' certainly works for this shop with a non-stop arrival of customers while I sat and read my paper this morning. Unfortunately the Australian was not available and the furniture setup was quite sparse with short stools as chairs and coffee tables sort of blocking up the customer area. Nevertheless, this is a shop that works. It provides very acceptable coffee at good prices in a very pleasant location.
When I look at coffee shops I look at them from the point of view of how they perform as a functioning business and this one had all the hallmarks of being able to turn a profit. The two staff working the coffee machine were extremely busy during my time there. Water was available in bottles surrounded by glasses at a central spot and my coffee was bought to me. Although the furniture was of the austere type and my preferred reading matter was not present it was clear that this location did not suit the more laid back crowd you might find in say West End. People were on their way to work and standing around as they waited for their coffee was fine with them. As well as quality, speed was of the essence and this shop delivered.
Again, good value at $3.00 and a great shop to own even despite what I expect would be a fairly high rent.
Harry Notaras
Business Broker - ABS Business Sales
Phone: 07 3368 4010
Mobile: 0434 344 282